Swimlink Solution

Swimlink Solution

Swimlink Solution

Revolutionizing Fisheries

Grolink is swimming upstream, transforming the Nigerian fisheries industry with cutting-edge technology. We created Swimlink, a revolutionary Agtech solution designed to significantly improve primary production and supply chain efficiencies. This translates to increased productivity, guaranteed fish availability, and a delightful customer experience for all.


Swimlink is a digital toolbox for the entire fisheries ecosystem, from farmers to fish buyers and consumers. 


  • Effortlessly track production activities, costs, and yields.
  • Receive expert advice based on real-time data insights.
  • Activate sales easily and directly through the platform, once fish are ready for harvest and ensure fair prices.

Extension Workers

  • Monitor pond health and farmer productivity like never before.
  • Optimize feed conversion for better results.
  • Onboard new fish farmers seamlessly.

Fish Buyers

  • Place orders with ease, specifying fish size and delivery date.
  • Enjoy guaranteed product availability.
  • Access a wider network of suppliers.

Swimlink’s streamlined, data-driven approach paves the way for a more efficient, sustainable and profitable aquaculture